Helping kids stay in school will help them get a steady education that will lift them out of poverty

Helping kids stay in school will lower child marriage rates

Taking care of kids’ health will increase the chances of them completing their education

Bless my day at school
  • $5 for a mid-day meal for a week
  • $20 for uniforms and books for a year
  • $50 for regular eye and health check-ups

Training families to grow their own food improves nutrition for mothers and their children and reduces household workloads for women and girls

Providing simple means of sustainable livelihoods improves quality of life and reduces the risk of child labour

Equipping mothers with financial independence improves outcomes for the entire family

Bless my day with family

Addressing harmful discriminatory practices can lower the prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse and the use of menstrual isolation huts

Providing simple means of sustainable livelihoods improves quality of life and reduces the risk of child labour

Awareness and economic opportunities means children are protected from exploitation and trafficking

Bless my day in my community